Thursday 30 May 2013

Louise Bourgeois

Louise Josephine Bourgeois was born on Christmas Day (25th of December), 1911, Paris, France. She was a French-American artist and sculptor, mostly known for both her modern and contemporary art, and for her spider structures, titled 'Maman' which lead to her being nicknamed 'Spiderwoman'. In 2011, one of her spider works were sold for $10.7 million, a new record price for the artist at auction, and the highest price paid for a work by a woman. Today, she is recognised as the founder of confessional art. After moving to NYC with her American husban, Robert Goldwater in the late 1940s, she turned to sculputre. Although her work is mostly abstract, they are suggestive of the human figure and express themes of anxiety, loneliness and betrayal. Her work was inspired by her childhood trauma of discovering that her English governess was also her father's mistress.

Bourgeois died of heart failure on the 31st of May 2010 (TODAY, TWO YEARS AGO!!) at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. She had continued to create more artwork until the day of her death, her final pieces were just finished the week before she had passed away.

Personal Analytical Framework:
The Spider was the sculptor that represented her mother, she was her best friend. As a spider Louise mother was also a weaver keeping things in place and in charge of the tapestry workshop, she was also very intelligent. The spider symbol also symbolised as helpful and protection just like Louise mother.

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